Welcome Lovelies!

I've faced many adversities in my life, and through it all I've been blessed with the strength and grace to endure.
I have been diagnosed with depression and also have lived my life with COD (Compulsive Overeating Disorder).
My faith in God coupled with supportive and loving family and friends have impacted my life greatly.
I seek to help others who may be struggling as well by sharing my story and my everyday life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Am I really that memorable?

It's a well documented fact that I have a superb memory. Maybe it's all those logic puzzles and crosswords I do. Who knows? But I do have an exceptional memory, which comes in very handy for school and memorizing music. Oh, and for trivia games, although apparently not enough for Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.

Through the years though I've learned that not everyone has the same level of memory. I'm not meaning that as an insult to anyone, not at all. What I mean is that when something internal seems natural to you, you tend to think everyone is the same. So when I would bring up a memory in great detail, I would assume everyone had the same memory with the same recall for details. And then people would look at me like I'm a creepy stalker and say 'how did you know that?' To which I reply, 'I don't know, I'm observant? I just do?'

So I now often assume that people don't have as good a memory as myself. I also assume that I don't cross the minds of people whom I haven't seen, talked to, or interacted with in any way for a few year, even though I remember them.

Ok, so now the events that brought all this up. While attending the alum event at Clarke University this weekend, I was extremely surprised by the number of people who recognized me. Especially considering that, well, I've lost 100lbs since college days and most people I haven't seen in a long time have no clue who I am.

The front desk receptionist knew who I was the minute I walked in. Yes, it's the same woman, and I was very shocked that she knew who I was! The head of food services and his assistant were also standing there and Mary Ellen pulled out the Stalker Book (I'm sure Clarkies fondly remember the stalker book, which, by the way, no longer exists) and showed them my pic. They BOTH said 'oh yeah! Of course I remember you! How are you!?!'  Then there were the alums who went to school at the same time I did, but I didn't really know or spend time with. They also greeted me by name and asked about me. (This was before I put my name tag on).

And so I find myself asking 'What did I do that so many people remember me?' I don't remember doing anything truly spectacular in my college years. Unless you count the night of consuming 9 long islands (of which I have very little memory). I certainly never won any awards, or achieved any distinguishing positions within any student organizations. I just remember being myself, almost the same person I am now. Except I'm more outspoken now and really care even less what people thing of anything I say.

I still find myself not quite believing they all remembered me. I think it's a conspiracy. I think they all got together and drew my name out of a hat and said 'let's make her super paranoid!'

Or maybe not.


  1. Oh girl, I totally had a comment posted here a few days ago but I didn't "verify" with the super crazy word that's all italicized and wavy....

    BUT....I remember you in college. And not just because we froze our asses off in Minnesota. But because you were always the confident one, the one who liked to sing in German (did you like it? you did sing in German right?), the one who couldn't care less about what others thought of you. I always admired you for that, and always wanted to be that way too. Even if you didn't feel that way inside, you sure exuded it. I'm so happy to be in touch with you after all these years!!! You make me smile and make me think. And for that I am forever grateful!

  2. Awwww.... Thanks Angel! Yes, I did sing in German, and it's still one of my favorite languages to sing in. And you're right, I still don't care what people think, I just do what feels right and good. :D

    I will always remember our bonding experience in Minnesota... Mario brothers and creepy bathrooms. LOL!
